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Vertical scoll in scheduler not working in Day View

Asked by Tom
16 years ago.
In the scheduler, I have set the


The scoll appears and scrolls the table with all the events but the days are fixed and so every thing comes out of alignment.


Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
Hi Tom,

I'll test it.
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
I was playing with the demo.

I can see the following problem: When the height is too big (e.g. 500px in this case) the height of the actual contents is too small (around 350px) and the remaining area is filled with the background color. But the scrolling works fine.

When I set Heigth="300" everything works as expected.

I will try to fix the problem with the too big height (the height will be adjusted to be just fine). But if you see another problem I wasn't able to reproduce it - can you send me a screenshot (
Comment posted by Tom
16 years ago.
Hi Dan,

The problem isnt when the content is smaller than the height it is when the content is larger than the height.

eg. in your demo if you set the height to 200px when the content is 350px you should get the problem.

I will send you an example with more details.

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