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Fixed Hour Column in DayPilot Calendar and Vertical Scrollbar Always Visible

Asked by CSc
10 years ago.

I need the hour column of the calendar to be fixed (so it stays in place while I scroll right). As much as I would like to do it myself, I haven't got the time to dig through all the 6500 lines of code in order to change it. I would be very grateful for help.

The problem is this: I have placed the DayPilot Calendar within a wide div, to let the DayPilot columns fill it up nicely. Overflow-x on that div made it possible to scroll the table left or right. While displaying more than 10 days, it became impossible to read, so I took that approach instead. But now I need to freeze the Hour column in place. I also need to make the vertical scrollbar for the DayPilot always visible, because now I have to scroll all the way to the right in order to see it.

I would be very grateful for any help. Please, you are my only hope.

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