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Vertical movement of event does show event during moving on timesheet

Asked by Guenther
7 years ago.

I have an angular5-app, based on your demos, and switched to the viewtype="Days". Event-Moving is working, however, during the move the event is not shown.

Here my config:
config: any = {
locale: "de-at",
viewType: "Days",
showNonBusiness: false,
businessBeginsHour: 7,
businessEndsHour: 22,
rowHeaderColumns: [
{title: "Date"},
{title: "Total"}
eventHeight: 30,
cellWidthSpec: "Auto",
timeHeaders: [{"groupBy":"Hour"},{"groupBy":"Cell","format":"mm"}],
scale: "CellDuration",
cellDuration: 30,
days: new DayPilot.Date().daysInMonth(),
startDate: "2018-02-01",
heightSpec: "Fixed",
height: 600,
eventResizeHandling: "Update",
eventMoveHandling: "Update",
timeRangeSelectedHandling: "Enabled",
eventDeleteHandling: "Update"

Comment posted by Guenther
7 years ago.

Now I found the reason: the events have the "MoveVDisabled" property set, and then the movement is not shown, however, it will move the event nevertheless...

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