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Resource rows not lining up with schedule rows in Chrome

Asked by Sharon
7 years ago.

The row heights for the resources are a little bit smaller than the row heights of the schedule, so after 10+ resources it starts to be obvious that they are not lined up.

We are using the trial version to evaluate this product.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

It looks like some global CSS may interfere with the Scheduler CSS styles. You can try to disable the global styles temporarily to see if it is the case.

Also, it looks like you are using an old version of DayPilot (pre-7.9) that uses <table> for the row header. Since version 7.9, the Scheduler uses absolutely-positioned divs which are less sensitive to global CSS.

Let me know if it didn't help.

Answer posted by Sharon
7 years ago.

Thank you. We didn't realize we had to pass in the ?v=2829 parameter, and we were getting an old version by default. The latest version works much better and this issue is resolved.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

Great, thanks for the update.

Just a clarification: the ?v=2829 parameter doesn't make it load any specific version. It simply makes the URL unique so it will force a reload (otherwise you may be seeing a previous version that was cached by the browser).

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