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In a month calendar in Chrome, when clicking on an event the Move event is triggered and not the click event

Asked by Nicolas
7 years ago.

In Chrome only, in a month calendar, when clicking very briefly on an event, the Move event (here postback) is triggered and not the click event. This is very annoying. Actually, upon mousedown, the mouse cursor changes to the arrows and on mouseup (of course with the mouse not having moved at all) the move event is triggered.

The click javascript event should be triggered and open the clicked event. This works well in IE.

Any help appreciated!

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

Are you able to reproduce the problem in the online demo?

It seems to to work fine for me. It only activates event moving when I move the mouse at least a bit.

Also, are you using the latest DayPilot Pro version? It might be a bug of one of the previous releases.

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