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Displaying events with no end date

Asked by Philip Quirke
15 years ago.

A client of mine, a yacht club, has events where the is a definite start date & time but nospecificend date & time (the race could take5 hours in light winds or1 hour in strong winds). So they do not want to specify anend date/time on their events.

I have a data entry form that supports the entry of events with a start date/time but no end date/time.When I come to display the events in theDayPilot Calendar, I am forced to provide an end date/time. For events with no end date/time I calculate a "default" end date/time by adding 1 hour to the start date/time.

This works from the point of view that the events show on the calendar. However the "default" end time displays on the event in the Calendar (e.g. "6:00 PM" ). I would like to suppress the displaying of the end time on some events.

Is there any way to suppress the displaying of the end time on some specific events?

One approach (that I have not tried yet) is to calculate the "default" end date/time by adding 1 hour 2 minutes and 3 seconds to the startdate. The Javascript that generates the "6:00 PM" text could detect a duration of 1hr 2mins 3secs and in this case only suppress the displaying of the end time.

Any other suggestions?

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