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Half day cell

Asked by Daniele
13 years ago.

Hello, I'm developing a simple schedule system (based on your hotel demo) for my own residence.
We usually mark the departure and the arrival date on the same day (one customer leaves at 10 a.m., other one arrives at 3 p.m. of the same day) and, on daypilot, this is archivable by allowing the schedule overlapping, but the view is on 2 different rows (level). Is there a way to create an "half-day-cell" so I can render 2 different schedules on the same row (level)?

Actual Render:
[ Mr. Smith ]
__________[ Mr. Johnes ]

What I'd like to have:
[ Mr. Smith ][Mr. Johnes ] (<--- ][ on the same day cell 50%-50%)

Thanks in advance for your response.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
12 years ago.

There are two options now:

1. Simply use UseEventBoxes="Never". This option will disable the "snap-to-grid" display mode. The events will be displayed according to their real length. If there is an event that starts exactly at the time point where the previous event ends they will not overlap and will be displayed in one row.

2. DayPilot Scheduler now supports multiple time header rows ( The last row header will always match the cell size (CellDuration). If you use CellDuration="720" (half a day) there will be two cells representing each day. You will be able to group the cells by days and possibly weeks and months in the header using the following configuration:

  protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    DayPilotScheduler1.TimeHeaders.Add(new TimeHeader(GroupByEnum.Month));
    DayPilotScheduler1.TimeHeaders.Add(new TimeHeader(GroupByEnum.Week));
    DayPilotScheduler1.TimeHeaders.Add(new TimeHeader(GroupByEnum.Day));

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