It looks like there is a bug in the EventResize event handler. If you modify it like this it will work fine:
protected void DayPilotScheduler1_EventResize(object sender, DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.EventResizeEventArgs e)
string id = e.Value;
DateTime start = e.NewStart;
DateTime end = e.NewEnd;
string resource = e.Resource;
string message = null;
if (!dbIsFree(id, start, end, resource))
message = "The reservation cannot overlap with an existing reservation.";
else if (e.OldEnd <= DateTime.Today)
message = "This reservation cannot be changed anymore.";
else if (e.OldStart != e.NewStart)
if (e.OldStart < DateTime.Today)
message = "The reservation start cannot be changed anymore.";
else if (e.NewStart < DateTime.Today)
message = "The reservation cannot be moved to the past.";
dbUpdateEvent(id, start, end, resource);
dbUpdateEvent(id, start, end, resource);
//message = "Reservation updated.";
DayPilotScheduler1.DataSource = dbGetEvents(DayPilotScheduler1.StartDate, DayPilotScheduler1.Days);
Note the missing "else { dbUpdateEvent(id, start, end, resource); }" block inside "else if (e.OldStart != e.NewStart)".