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Update event details in database using Ajax

Asked by Anonymous
9 years ago.

I want to update event details in database on event resize. So, how to update this using Ajax?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

I assume you don't want to use any of the built-in mechanisms (PostBack, CallBack, Notify). You can make your own AJAX call (e.g. using jQuery) from EventResizeJavaScript handler. Note that the JS code in EventResizeJavaScript will only fire if you use EventResizeHandling="JavaScript".

See also:

Comment posted by Anonymous
9 years ago.

Thanks Dan for the reply.
Actually, what I am doing is that on event resize I am showing a Modal Box, in which I am displaying event details such as start date and end date. And it has a OK button and on its click I need to update the database with Ajax.
So can you please help me out.

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