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JavaScript Source from Pro Purchase

Asked by C Parcell
8 years ago.

We have purchased "DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET WebForms (Web Office)" I am attempting to utilize the JavaScript version of DP within a project. The DP package I am using is the one via the customer area. I have pulled the JS files from Source > Resources. The files I am using are the xyz.src.js files. When I use these in my project, the Scheduler comes up with the DEMO water mark. What am I doing wrong?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 years ago.

The JavaScript files in in the ASP.NET WebForms are not licensed for standalone usage - they can only be used within the DLL as embedded resources. If you prefer using the JavaScript version you can have your license switched from ASP.NET WebForms to JavaScript. If you'd like to use both you'll need the JavaScript license. Please contact if you need help with that.

Comment posted by C Parcell
8 years ago.

OK. Got it. Thank you for your quick response. :)

Perhaps the site store could be a little more clear on this.

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