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Can I make Joint Events move together but not resize together?

Asked by blalond
9 years ago.


I'm trying to use the "Joint Events" feature to add a "travel time" event before my actual events.
The events move together very well, but is there a way to make them not resize together?

The javascript example here is such that both move and resize happen:

But this Java example has the joint events moving together but not resizing together (that's how I want it in Javascript):

(I'm doing this in javascript and angular.)


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

Since build 2057 you can configure the behavior using the following properties:

dp.jointEventsResize = false;
dp.jointEventsMove = false;

You can test and download build 2057 in the sandbox:

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

Note that the Java demo at also resizes everything - it just doesn't update all the events in onEventResize on the server side (just the master).

Comment posted by blalond
9 years ago.

Dan! Thanks! That works perfectly well.
I just added it to my config:
dpcontroller.daypilotconfig = {
jointEventsResize: false

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