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Asked by John DUnn
9 years ago.

I am using the JavaScript version of the Calendar (187-lite).

dp.viewType = "week";
dp.eventDeleteHandling = "Update";
dp.dayBeginsHour = 7;
dp.businessBeginsHour = 7;
dp.businessEndsHour = 22;
dp.days = 7;
dp.headerDateFormat = "ddd MMM d"
dp.cellDuration = 60;
dp.hideFreeCells = true;
dp.heightSpec = "BusinessHours";
dp.cellHeight = 15;

This works and displays from 7am to 10pm. The scroll bars are visible.

When I set the heightSpec to "BusinessHoursNoScroll", the view displays starting at 12:00 am and shows only until 3pm. The scroll bars are hidden and the user can't access the hours after 3pm.

Any ideas?


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