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(IMP) Doesnot display exact time of the event in Calendar UI

Asked by Sowmya
4 years ago.

Issue: I am implementing this in salesforce for a calendar build
Event with time 11.30am -12.45pm shows as 11am-12pm.
Event with time 10.15am-11.45am shows as 10-11am.
And doesn't show overlap of the events as-well.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 years ago.

By default, the calendar component aligns the events with the grid cells and displays a duration bar to indicate the real duration.

In the Pro version, you can change this behavior as described here:

Comment posted by Sowmya
4 years ago.

Thanks for your reply Dan and I found a workaround this problem, since we have very less time to go for pro version now.

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