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overriding event start/end in moving to snap to a certain time isn't being reflected in the event overlap handling

Asked by Vincent
16 days ago.

I am adding some extra code in the event moving to snap the event to a certain start time and end time(every event starts at 12pm and ends the next day at 11am). The event is still going red, as if it was overlapping with other events, in these situations, even though it is not(because it is being snapped to the proper time). This is preventing me from moving an event in an open time range, because the overlap behavior still seems to behave as if the event was in whatever position it was before the snap.

Comment posted by Vincent
16 days ago.

adding screenshots for context

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
15 days ago.

It looks like you are using an older version - could you please give it a try with the latest release?

Comment posted by Vincent
13 days ago.

It doesn’t seem to be an issue in the latest release. Are there any other possible work around or is upgrading the only solution?

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