Questions Tagged events
How to hide resources without events
Answered: Please take a look at the following tutorial:
How validate if current cell has Events (Scheduler)?
Answered: In the JavaScript version, you can use the following methods: 1. To check a time range (for all resources), use the events.forRange() method:
Problems between Infinite Scrolling and Switcher over Scheduler Calendar
Answered: The Switcher is only necessary if you want to manage different components, e.g. DayPilot.Calendar for the week view and DayPilot.Month for the Month view. If you are using two different configuration...
Send the list of all the created events to the controller.
Answered: Submitting changes using a form is not a supported scenario. However, you can use the built-in queue to submit all changes at once using a CallBack. When creating, updating or deleting the event usin...
Submitting a Form with event data
Answered: Normally, you only use forms when editing details of a single event using a modal dialog or in a standalone page. When working with the Scheduler, every change is usually submitted immediately using ...
How to load events only from a specific userID
Answered: PHP is not my primary language, but maybe you can try adding the userId as a parameter to the backend url. So"backend_events.php"); becomes:"backend_events.php?userid=...
How to clear events?
Answered: Found a workaround: {; });
Move/Drag multiple events
hi Dan, besides selecting multiple events, would be also cool if the user is able to move or drag n drop multiple events in scheduler e.g. by pressing ctrl key? And all of event or callback argument ...
event for multiple days not correct on scheduler
I am trying to get an event on scheduler to span multiple days. The start and end date are 3 days apart but scheduler only shows the event on the first day (my scheduler groups by day & hour) but wit...
Display Back to Back Events in Scheduler
Answered: 1. The combination of UseEventBoxes=Never and setting the end time to the start time of the next event should work. If you take Image 3 and set UseEventBoxes=Never, does it work as expected? 2. You s...
How to add additional data in day pilot event
Answered: Hi krishnan, The event source object (from DataSource) is available in BeforeEventRender event handler as e.DataItem (e.DataItem.Source). Example:
protected void DayPilotCalendar1_BeforeEventRe...
How to show the different color for each type of Event (MVC doen't have e.DataItem)
Answered: It's now available in build 5528. See the sandbox:
Events' times not matching placement on dpc
Answered: This turned out to be a bug in StartDate property handling. Setting this property to a DateTime value that included time during a callback confused the calculations. It's now fixed in the code base (...
Questions 1-13 of 13