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Show the minute range of the hour columns in DayPilot Calendar

Asked by chris
15 years ago.


I would like to know if it could be possible to show the minute range in the left hour column of DayPilot calendar, as say for example, I have 4 cells per hour, so at the moment, it displays only 10am, 11 am... but with this feature I would be able to see in the 10am block, 15, 30, 45 at the line separation.

It's the same request that was asked before in: Time columns with minutes printed Adding the minutes to the time column


Comment posted by Darren
15 years ago.

Hi Dan,

Would it be possible to have this feature in a release very soon. We have a client who has requested this and it would help them greatly as they have 10 cells per hour.

Many thanks

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.

Unfortunately, many background changes are required for this feature. It should be available inDayPilot Pro 5.2 (January 1, 2009).

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