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Event Calendar bug when resizing

Asked by Ran Berger
4 years ago.

Hello guys !

I think I found a bug, when I have an Event Calendar, which has viewtype= "resources". I always set the dayBeginsHour: 9 ( for example date: 14.01.2021), dayEndsHour: 02(this is 2am in the next day => date: 15.01.2021). When I have event that is positioned in the next day hours and try to resize on the top side, the event disappears, because I see that in "args.newStart" the date is +1 day. Example event starts from 01:00 to 02:00 and the date is 15.01.2021. When I resize it to start from 00:30 and end is not changed (00:30 - 02:00), in args I see that "args.newStart" for date is 16.01.2021, instead of again 15.01.2021. This bug occures only when I resize the start of the event, but not the end of the event.

I tried to change the args properties, but still my event disappears. It works fine for moving event which is in the next day hours and resizing the end of the event, but bugs for resizing the start of the event which is in the next day hours.

I guess this issue is similar to: .But I don't see eventEndSpec in the Calendar as it is in the Scheduler.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 years ago.

This problem should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2021.1.4840):

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