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Scroll Issue in Resource Column only on Macbook trackpad?

Asked by Bill
2 years ago.

We've released a beta version of our product built using the DayPilot Scheduler, and we've seen weird and repeatable issues with scrolling in the resource column when using the trackpad on a Macbook laptop. For whatever reason, scrolling is not allowed when the mouse is over the resource (left) column, but only when using the built-in trackpad on a Macbook. If an external mouse is plugged in, scrolling works as expected.

Has anyone else experienced this? A lot of our users use this directly from their laptop, so it's quite unfortunate.

If this isn't clear, I can upload a video of the issue.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 years ago.

This should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2021.3.5062):

It looks like Safari started to report a different scrollbar width when a mouse is connected - and the scrolling logic depends on it.

Please let me know if the problem persists.

Comment posted by Bill
2 years ago.

Hey Dan! Thanks for the reply. I just installed the trial sandbox version with the latest build (2021.3.5062) and the issue is definitely fixed! A tremendous relief as this issue has been haunting us for a few months. I will make sure to update to the latest release on September 1st.

Comment posted by Bill
2 years ago.

Hi Dan, do you know how quickly these fixes get pushed to the framework-specific NPM packages? Seems build 2021.3.5070 is only available on the pure-JS package right now.

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