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Scheduler: Mac users can't scroll when hovering resources

Asked by Leo
1 year ago.

Hi there,

We noticed an odd difference between Mac and Windows users. (regardless of usage of Chrome or Safari on Mac OS)

In the scheduler, when hovering the resource list, you may scroll up and down the scheduler on Windows, however May users can not scroll - scrolling only works when hovering the events list.

Is there any ways to make the behaviour more coherent?


Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

Do you use the latest DayPilot Pro version?

There was a similar issue in the past but it was fixed in version 2021.3.5070.

Comment posted by Leo
1 year ago.

Yes, we use 2024.1.5882

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

Does this issue occur with both a mouse and a trackpad when scrolling?

Comment posted by Leo
1 year ago.

Yes - with both.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

Thanks for the update.

Unfortunately, I’m not able to reproduce the problem. Do you see the issue in the online demo as well?

Comment posted by Leo
1 year ago.

It’s a bit hard to test, as we don’t directly have access to a Mac.

However, these are the findings so far:

  • An iMac running Mac OS 10.12 works fine.

  • Macbooks running Mac OS 11.2 can’t scroll (neither in the resource list, nor the timeline).

Both machines have been tried with Firefox and Chrome. So I’m unsure whether it has to do with Trackpad support or Mac OS version. (The problem also applies when using a mouse)

However, we couldn’t reproduce the issue with the online demo (but only had short time access to both machines). In our implementation, we use custom CSS styling, a frozen row, endless scrolling amongst others, which may also be culprits?

Do you have any idea how we should proceed to narrow it down?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

Thanks for the update.

All browser on a Mac use the same rendering/JS engine (from Safari). The problem with old MacOS versions is that Safari stops getting updates at some point - that means on an old MacOS you are stuck with an old Safari version. Switching to a different browser doesn’t help.

The obvious advice would be to upgrade Mac OS (versions 10.12 and 11 aren’t supported anymore).

I would try turning off custom CSS to see if it causes the issue. The other features are less likely to cause problems.

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