In this tutorial,
when you can select a time range over multiple rows, it works well but the GUI bugs due to the blue rectangle selection that “flicks” and is not really hidden. Is it a known bug ? I would like to test this product (and maybe buy it for my company !) but I should know if the bug will be corrected first. Thanks,
It looks like in the latest Safari/Chrome on macOS it flickers, indeed.
It should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2023.3.5696):
Please let me know if the problem persists.
I cannot try on the last build because I only have access to the build 2023.3.5688 https://javascript.daypilot.org/try/
How to get the last build version ? (I use native Javascript)
You can download directly in the sandbox:
There is a “Download” link in the upper-left corner of the page.
Thanks, nice it seems to work on the last build version :) You confirm that I can try the product up to 60 days for free ?
Great, thanks for the update!
Yes, the trial period is 60 days.