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ideas for grouping events in Calendar

Asked by Tsahi
2 months ago.

I'm exploring visual methods to link events hierarchically in a calendar. I have one parent event with multiple child events. Here are some ideas I've considered:

  1. Is it possible to apply event arrangement modes selectively? This would allow me to show the parent event prominently (in Full mode), while displaying other unconnected events side by side.

  2. Can events be nested within others? Or can events be used as backgrounds?

  3. Is it feasible to draw lines or arrows to connect multiple events in the calendar?

  4. Utilizing the duration bar: displaying the parent event's duration and using different colors to represent actual times for children, resulting in multiple start-end times within the parent event bar.

  5. Use the resources view mode. the problem is that there can be a several parent events in a single day, and the calendar would become unreadable.

I welcome any other ideas or suggestions. Thank you!"

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 months ago.

The best way would probably be to add the nested events as active areas inside events.

The position of active areas can be specified in pixels (top/bottom/height properties) or you can replace top and bottom with start and end (DayPilot.Date/ISO string values). This way you can add segments that start and end at the specified times.

This approach is used in the Scheduler in the warmup/cooldown tutorial and for event phases.

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