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Sort events in combination of 'Sort' and 'Line'

Asked by Marnix Bakker
1 month ago.

I’m looking for a way to sort my events but i’m not sure if there is a way.
i want to use ‘Line’, but this is overlapping my items. This sorting is too absolute.

If I use ‘Sort’ the empty spots will automatically be filled with events. This sorting is too loose.

Is there an in-between version where I can use ‘Line’ but when there are multiple items on 1 line it will spread them below each other?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 month ago.

So it looks like you would need something like minimumLine which would use the specified line or a higher one if it isn’t free. Is that correct?

Comment posted by Marnix Bakker
1 month ago.

Yes, indeed! That sounds like a good solution for this case!

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 month ago.

The minLine property is now available as an experimental feature in the latest sandbox build (2025.1.6407).

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