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Crosshairs prevent EventSelectJavaScript and TimeRangeSelectedJavaScript from firing in IOS6

Asked by Paul
11 years ago.

We are using DayPilotPro-7.1.2730 and have found that if we have crosshairs enabled (full or header) that it prevents EventSelectJavaScript and TimeRangeSelectedJavaScript from firing in devices running IOS 6 (tested with 6.0.1). This behaviour can also be replicated in your Sandbox version. Strangely though, it works ok with a device that runs IOS 5.1.1.

Is this something that can be looked at in a future release?

Comment posted by Paul
11 years ago.

Just wondering if there is an update on this issue?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

Since 7.3 release DayPilot should be compatible with iOS 6. See also the release notes for supported actions (EventClick is supported):

To be honest, Crosshair=Full is not tested yet but Crosshair=Header should definitely work.

Please let me know if the problems persist.

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