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Scheduler Event text is not showing as I scrolling right - make text always visible

Asked by Anonymous
9 years ago.

I am using Scheduler to show a multitude of events at a daily level.
Some are several days/months.
The issue I have is that the event text/title is always at the far left side of the event bar.
As you scroll to the right, forward in time, long running events simply show up as bars without any indication as to what that event is. The user then needs to hover over each event or scroll back to the left to see event title. So the event bar is visible but NOT the title:
Please assist

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

DayPilot Pro v7.7 introduced "Floating Events" feature that does what you need - the it makes the text of long events visible (in the current viewport).

Please take a look at 7.7 release notes for more details:

It is enabled by default in 7.7, you just need to use the latest CSS themes.

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