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Event Title readable at all times. - Scheduler

Asked by Anonymous
14 years ago.


We are evaluating the DayPilot control. One of the requirements is the event title must be readable at all times, i.e. the event text not cut off in the browser but also when printing. I am so far not able to figure out how to override the rendering of the event. The overflow CSS attribute seems to always be written even though I have tried to use CSS overrides (as was recommended ). Is there a way to do this?

Example 1: (Rough estimate of what is currently done)

|-Outer Div----------|


||Event Duration Bar||


||Event title being ||



Example 2: (Rough estimate of what we want to do)

|-Outer Div-----------------------------|

||------------------| |

||Event Duration Bar| |

||------------------| |

|Event title in full display not cut off|


In the first example, the text of the event title is cut off by hard coding of the css attribute overflow: hidden in the outer div. Using the CSS override does not correct this as the inline style overrides the CSS class settings. What we want, as in the second example, is to see the entire event title, but keep the duration bar the same length. I have thought to use the AfterEventRenderJavaScript property to specify a client-side event to re-draw the event, but that seemed to be a risky solution. Is it possible to do what we are looking for? But the AfterEventRenderJavaScript would only provide a browser solution. Is there a server side approach to this problem such as overriding a PreRender event? If so, how would we do that?

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