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Duration Bar and Event Title don't line up - daypilot scheduler

Asked by Christina P
14 years ago.

I'm using the schedular on a aspx page to display events. I noticed that events don't display correctly when the start or end date isn't the same as the end of the cell. The duration bar is correct, but the Title goes all the way to the end of the cell.

for example: if i have 365 cells and an event that ends at 5pm, the duration bar goes to 5ish, while the text goes all the way to the end of the cell. This is not such a big deal when i have 365 cells, because its not noticible, but ...

example 2: I have 52 Cells (weeks) and an event that ends mid week. in this case the alignment is way off and it is very noticable!!! other than writing some java script to hack up the schedular how can I ensure the Title bar lines up with the duration bar???

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
14 years ago.

Could you please send a screenshot to

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