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Scheduler: show tentative event times on load

Asked by Sam
15 years ago.

Is it currently possible to emulate the Outlook behaviour, that when you open the Scheduler, in addition to all events associated with the Resources, it also automatically marks a time region that you selected earlier (for example in the Calendar).

That way - as in the Outlook Scheduler - you can immeadiately see whether your proposed time region overlaps with existing events of the Resources.



Comment posted by Sam
15 years ago.
Any answer on this? Its the final piece of the puzzle to finalize our application....
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.
Sorry for the delay. I'm thinking about how to do this...

You could mark a region using BeforeCellRender but that would be only a differenct cell background and not the generic range selection (it would require PostBack or refreshCallBack to cancel it/turn it into a new event). But it might work for your case.

Unfortunately, it's not possible to create the generic time range selection using the client-side API at the moment.
Comment posted by Sam
15 years ago.

Dan, thank you for the reply. I will try your workaround.

When you say "its not supported in the client-side API", does that mean that it is possible using Callback or Postback techniques? While i would obviously prefer a client-side solution, if it is at all possible, I don't mind resorting to callback or postback to get this done.



Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.
I mean that all the range selection methods are only internal. They handle the mouse events on cells - and that's the only way it's possible to create the selection. That means CallBack/PostBack don't help here.

It will take some effort to make these methods more general and add a client-side API - something like dps.activateRange(start, end, resource).
Comment posted by Sam
15 years ago.


For now, I solved it using your suggestion of BeforeCellRender, by simply coloring the cells red when they fall into the desired range.

This, in combination with some DatePickers below the Schedulers, lets the user at least change his proposed date and have it visualised (by means of a postback though).



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