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Conflict detector date comparison Bug

Asked by Anonymous
12 years ago.

The Conflict detector ignores date returning from RecurrenceExpander.Expand

"Shift Scheduling Tutorial".

Let say I have a event for Agent John on 11/6 , 1PM-4:30PM. Another Event for Agent John on 11/7, 1PM-4:30PM.

Then I edit the 11/6 , 1PM-4:30PM event, so it repeats daily for 1 time. Now, there 're conflict schedule for Agent John on 11/7, 1PM-4:30PM.

The algorithm in "Shift Scheduling Tutorial" has expanded recurrent event, so expanded recurrent event are inside DataTable for conflict detection.

I have also look at the DataTable, and it did have the three events in there, in which there are conflict
schedule on 11/7.

But somehow conflict detection is ignoring it and return zero for detector.Count.
See picture "Not Working.GIF"

If Both the conflict events are not recurring events, then the conflict detection works perfectly.
See picture "Case Work great.GIF"

The conflict events are stored in the DataTable, but conflict detector ignores it if it is a recurring event.

I tried it with "Shift Scheduling Tutorial". It did the same thing.
See picture for detail.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
12 years ago.
Comment posted by Anonymous
11 years ago.

In modern times. there are various kinds of secure devices to provide safe environment for people. For example the security camera can be used to monitor suspicious person come and go in the office or people's own home. Besides the gold metal detectors which can be found in also can be used to set up a security system to ensure our safety in the daily life.

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