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Possible to move event labels on horizontal scroll in scheduler?

Asked by --Josh
13 years ago.


I recently purchased DayPilot for use in a project. We are specifically using the Scheduler control right now. Is there any way to have the event labels move to stay in view when you scroll horizontally?

We have a number of events in our sample dataset that end up spanning the available view width, so all of those that began before the left most section of the current viewport are just while placeholders and you have to scroll back and forth to see what each is. It would be awesome if the labels would position themselves at the left most part of the event that is showing and move as you scrolled horizontally until that event was no longer within the view. I understand how difficult that would be to enable, but it would greatly increase the clarity that this control provides.


  • Josh
Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
13 years ago.

This is indeed quite difficult at this moment.

But maybe the Bubble could help here, although I understand that it's not exactly what you were looking for.

The Bubble was updated in 6.6 SP1 release and it's now positioned more precisely - it will be displayed above the event, aligned to the left. If there is not enough room on the screen (window), it will be displayed below.

See also:

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