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DayPilot with IE 11

Asked by Horst
11 years ago.

I have a Problem with the DayPilot in IE 11. The DayPilot Site works fine in IE 10 and other browser e.g. Firefox.
Is this a Problem with the Browser or the DayPilot dll.

Thank you for help

Comment posted by Horst
11 years ago.

Today I make an Update to the actual version (DayPilotLite-4.0.261) and there is the same problem. When I enter the site in the compatibility mode list of IE11, the site works fine in IE11 also.
Is there a way to set this in the DayPilotLite control? Is this a Known Problem, or is there a problem in my DayPilotLite Site

Thank you for help


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

It's a problem of .NET not detecting IE 11 properly.

There is a hotfix available (this one is for .NET Framework 4.0):

You can also add your own browser definition to the config manually:

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