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Printing Calendar

Asked by Steve65
17 years ago.
I know the control is not really designed to be printable but many people like to have a hard copy of their calendars, so here goes with the issues I've come across.

Z-order of events seems to be lower than the z-order of the calendar so the calendar lines print over the top of the event text and the top/left/bottom event borders don't show.
If you turn on background printing then the events don't show at all in the print, probably due to the z-order again.

Event lines display correctly under the events, but the top/bottom border still doesn't show
Printing with background on works fine

Event lines display correctly under the events, but the top/left/bottom borders dont show
Printing with background on works fine.

Of course the easy solution is to migrate to IE7 or Firefox but unfortunately my workplace seem to think tabbed-browsing will confuse the staff??!!

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
Surprisingly, z-index is not so much used in DayPilotCalendar. It's only used for a few elements (the moving/resizing shadow, hidden events indicators, etc.).
I think the final solution for the printing problems will be a possibility to render a PNG image instead of HTML. But that's not a near future.

You can also try the following hack to improve the IE printing (but I'm afraid it breaks the event borders in Mozilla):
Answer posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.

Since DayPilot Pro 4.9, printing is supported for DayPilotCalendar through PNG/JPG/GIF export:

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