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Move Row Header Column to Right

Asked by John C
2 years ago.

Is it possible to move one or more custom row headers[1] to the right-hand side of the main area[2], while maintaining the main resource title on the left?

I see in the timesheet tutorial that we can add totals into a custom column[3]. I have a client requesting similar information, except on the right-hand side (which seems like the intuitive location for totaling information in a row). Here are the options as I see them:

Option 1
I can create a custom resource footer area to the right side of the daypilot container. However, mirroring this with a collapsible/expandable resource tree becomes code-intensive.

Option 2
I could create a non-linear timeline[4], disable these last cells, and throw these totals in the html on cell render. This seems less than ideal.

Better solution?
I was hoping for an in-box solution or workaround to move a resource column to the right. Does anyone have a working example of this?

I would appreciate any help! Thanks.

Notes -

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 years ago.

Unfortunately, there is no elegant way to display the row headers on the right side at the moment.

There is a tutorial that shows how to implement your option 2, but it's just a workaround:

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