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Modifying RTL according to locale

Asked by Anonymous
7 months ago.

I’ve noticed that in the pro version there is an attribute that allows me to set the direction of the components.

Is there an equivalent way to allow me to invert the display of the calendar/navigator/monthly calendar to display something similar for RTL languages in the lite version?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 months ago.

Unfortunately, RTL is not supported in the Lite version at the moment.

Comment posted by Anonymous
7 months ago.

Hi there, I see. I’ve been able to somewhat replicate this behavior using the direction attribute within a wrapping div for the Calendar and for the Navigator, but for some reason, for the monthly calendar I can’t get the table to swap columns. All of the content within the monthly calendar correctly aligns RTL, but the columns themselves don’t swap like they do in Calendar and Navigator.

Is it possible to fix this issue?

Thanks in advance and thanks so much for being responsive!

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 months ago.

Unfortunately, it’s not a matter of just adding the dir attribute. It affects various display elements and calculations. That’s why it’s only available in the Pro version.

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