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Multi day selection in week view

Asked by Vignesh
4 months ago.

I'm looking into integrating Angular Daypilot library to one of my Angular apps and currently testing this with the POC. I'm able to integrate and make it work thanks to all the support articles. I have one small issue where I could not enable multi-day select for events in the Week view using the Angular lite library - I can see it works in the Demo included on the website (JavaScript Event Calendar | DayPilot Pro for JavaScript Demo) but I could not make it work in the sample POC. Can anyone please help in showing how to implement this? Please refer to the screenshot to find what I'm trying to implement. Whenever I try, I'm able to select only time slots from a single day and I could not make it to work with selecting timeslots across multiple days. 

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 months ago.

Unfortunately, this feature is only available in the Pro version at the moment. In the open-source version, the selection is limited to a single column of the Calendar component.

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