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Setting z-index of DayPilot Scheduler

Asked by matro
14 years ago.

yet-another-z-index-issue-here. :-) I read about the same for Calendar and the like.

however, playing with the IE8 developer toolbox I discovered that if I add the z-index attribute to the style tag of the rendered main element, the whole DayPilot Scheduler stays behind (or on top as you like):

 <div id="ctl00_cphContentPage_DayPilotScheduler1" style="position: relative; line-height: 1.2; width: 895px; height: 334px; mozuserselect: none; khtmluserselect: none; z-index:-500;" dispose="function(){DayPilot.pu($0g);}">

note thez-index:-500 added through the developer toolbox.

my question is how I can programmatically specify such css property.

thank you.


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