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Can I preload the Scheduler to remove the delay in events appearing when scrolling?

Asked by Scott Mitchell
11 years ago.

I am using the Scheduler control with ASP.NET MVC to display a single day's worth of events. There are only five resources and typically less than 10 scheduled events per day, so I don't need to dynamic loading functionality.

What I'd like is to have all of the events for the selected day loaded at once and displayed in the Scheduler when the view is being rendered. I believe I have configured everything to work this way:

  • I have set DynamicLoading = false
  • I have set ScrollDelay = 0
  • On the server side I return all of the events for the entire day (not just for the time span that's currently being displayed)

Using Fiddler I see that there are no communications back to the server while I scroll horizontally, from the start of the day to the end.

Despite this, the behavior I experience introduces a delay between scrolling and seeing the events. For example, imagine when I load the page the view shows 8 AM-Noon and that there are two activities this day, one from 9 AM-2PM and one from 6 PM - 8 PM.

When the page loads I see the first event (9 AM - 2 PM) right off the bat - great! However, if I scroll to the right to the evening, I don't immediately see the 6 PM - 8 PM event. I see it eventually, but there is like a half second delay between me scrolling into that time span and the event appearing.

Is there a way to eliminate this delay?


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

You can disable the progressive event rendering by using the following switch in the config:

DynamicEventRendering = DynamicEventRenderingType.Disabled

It will behave like this demo (WebForms):

Comment posted by Scott Mitchell
11 years ago.

Dan, this works wonderfully, thanks!

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