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Show resource unavailability based on time-range not on cells

Asked by Steve S.
6 years ago.


We have a use case where we need to display that some resource is unavailable in some time period. Marking cells as unavailable is not sufficient, because cell duration is 1 hour and unavailability could last for 39 minutes i.e.
It's more like a feature to render an area in global scheduler view, not cell itself. I am not aware of possibility to implement this.

How do you suggest to do this? Thanks

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

It's possible to implement custom rules using onEventMoving, onEventResizing and onTimeRangeSelecting events:

If the target position doesn't meet your rules you can forbid it by setting args.allowed to false.

See also some examples here:

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