Questions Tagged
BC30456: 'EventDetail_ItemUpdated' is not a member of 'ASP.web_app_daypilot_aspx'.
Answered: ok found it in the tutorial in the Default.aspx.vb file, my bad, thanks. Eunice
Can you define a Long Weekend?
Answered: You can use DayPilotNavigator.BeforeCellRender event handler to add a custom CSS class to a day cell. Note that in version 7.7 the CssClass value...
Load Resource Tree from Database
Answered: You can use something like this: An example using DayPilot.request():
function loadResources() {
DayPilot.request("backend_resources.php", function(result) {
var data = eval("(" + result....
How can i change the start date and end date dynamically by user selection
Answered: CommandCallback
How to change PerformDataBinding for changing the text displayed in text for Calendar?
Answered: You can use BeforeEventRender event to modify the event HTML as needed.
protected void DayPilotCalendar1_BeforeEventRender(object sender, DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.Calendar.BeforeEventRenderEventArgs ...
**Daypilot Month** set height some event
Answered: The event height in DayPilot Month can't be set individually. You can increase the event height using .eventHeight property (for all the events). Having custom height for individual events would prev...
setting cellBackColor after init doesn't work
Answered: This issue is fixed now in build 7.7.698 (see the sandbox):
Demo project does not launch with VS 2013
Answered: This turned out to be an issue of IIS Express that reports different values in request.Path and request.ApplicationPath. It's now fixed in build 1.3.401:
How can i have 24 hour timeline on the Y-Axis and resource names on X-Axis
Answered: You will need to use the Calendar control switched to Resources mode: If you are going to display a lot of resources on the X axis of the calendar, yo...
cancel an onEventMoved or onEventResized
Answered: Found the answer: hope this helps other people save some time //This gets called when the user drops the event dp.onEventMove = function (args) { //args.e is the event object that is being moved //ar...
Answered: You can switch dates using .commandCallBack() method: MVC View
<div class="note">
<a href="javascript:dp.commandCallBack('previous');">Previous</a> |
<a href="javascript:dp.commandCallBac...
month navigator - update to current date from next/previous link button
Answered: You can use .select() method of the navigator object on the client side:
IE: Script error
Answered: This issue is now fixed in the latest sandbox build (7.7.3050): You can test it in the time headers demo which includes navigation buttons (previous/next):
Drag and Drop from table to Scheduler is working only for current date,Not working for selected date
Answered: This issue is fixed now in the latest sandbox build (7.7.5650): The fix will be included in the next SP release.
Year View
Answered: Yes, there is a plan to add a year view based on the scheduler ( It will look like the timesheet mode ( but there will ...
Daypilot Scheduler Lite
Answered: You can try 1. to remove [assembly: AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers] from DayPilot/Source/Properties/Assembly.cs (and recompile DayPilot) or 2. to add [assembly: AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers] to your dl...
Minimize sources
Answered: It is minimized using ESC (ECMA Script Cruncher). You can find the instructions here: The ESC download page is no longer available but ...
Change Calendar Gridline Color and Width
Answered: I've posted a short tutorial that demonstrates how to modify the CSS theme for the timetable tutorial: Instead of the _matrix cl...
Initialize daypilot in a separate window (window popup,
Maybe there are more than one problem but i'm stuck at pretty much the first row. I am trying to allow my users to make the scheduler/calendar "fullscreen" by snapping it out of the main window into ...
Calendar for different users? (Users can only view/edit their own events)
Answered: This has to be done on several levels: 1. You can use the authentication system you already have in place to identify the current user. 2. Let's simplify the authorization rules (ACL) to general "rol...
How to call javaScript method from CallBack DayPilotCalendar1_EventClick
Answered: It depends on what you actually want to do (and it looks like #1 is what you are looking for): 1. If you only want to call a client-side method, use EventClickHandling="JavaScript" and specify your j...
Move/Drag multiple events
hi Dan, besides selecting multiple events, would be also cool if the user is able to move or drag n drop multiple events in scheduler e.g. by pressing ctrl key? And all of event or callback argument ...
Scheduler Gantt View Multiple Dates per Row
Answered: What you describe is basically the default "Resources" mode: You need separate database tables for "Tasks" and "Actions". Task = has a name, displayed in ...
How to be locked some of the events from the database : Javascript
Answered: You can use 'moveDisabled' property:
var e = new DayPilot.Event({
start:new DayPilot.Date(),
end:(new DayPilot.Date()).addHours(5),
id: DayPilot.guid(),
text: "New Event",
Show Bubble or Tooltips on empty cell
Answered: This is not supported at the moment but it's a good idea for one of the future releases.
All Day Events in Month View
How do you implement 'all-day' events in the month view. If the client wants to show the event start time it is still showing for events that have a start and end time of 00:00:00. What is the correc...
Drag and Drop doesn't work when ShowNonBusiness = false
Version: DayPilotProMvcTrial-7.6.5625 Once I set below properties BusinessBeginsHour = 8, BusinessEndsHour = 17, ShowNonBusiness = false for scheduler (timeline view), drag and drop feature stops wor...
How to move/scroll (horizontally) using drag in scheduler
Answered: This behavior is only supported on touch devices. Dragging in the grid will scroll the area. In order to start selecting a time range you need to hold the finger for a while.
How to listen or get the key event in scheduler e.g. delete key
Answered: The Scheduler doesn't contain any element that can get focus. You can detect the Delete key for the whole page using the following code:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).keyup(function ...