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Scheduler with custom Timeline and TimeHeaders

Answered: It seems to work fine with the latest version (8.2). Can you please give it a try?

How to change message color (angular)

Answered: Sorry for the confusion. The documentation on .message() was out-of-date. The current syntax allows you to pass additional properties using "options" object like this: dp.message("Test", { cssClass...

Any way you can pass a model in BackendURL

Answered: The backend URL is just a URL string and it doesn't allow passing anything else. You can pass custom parameters as an ID, query string or in a cookie. Example for custom query string: @Url.Action("...

Unable to find "EventBubble" in Pro version

Answered: Hi dan Thanks for your email. Its my PC I think, the restart works and its is working as expected

Encoded Characters in Data Prevent EventSelect Event Firing

Hi I'm encoding user input with HttpUtility.HtmlEncode (so apostrophes become e.g. ’) and the encoded input is being saved to database. When DayPilot calendar uses this data it renders fine, bu...

Autoscroll feature with Daypilot Calendar

Hi all, I'm wondering if it's possible to implement the autoScroll properties (available on Daypilot Scheduler) on the Daypilot Calendar. I have tired to set autoScroll = "Always" but it's not workin...

How to group resources without tree

Hi Is it possible to visually group the resources without make a tree (with no row for the parent(s) of the resources) ? Like on the screenshoot attached : beds are resources beds B and C are in the ...

Event Width Representative of Start and End Time, Monthly Event Calendar

Is there a way to get an event width to be representative of its start and end time? As an example scenario, if I had an event that started at 12pm (12:00) and finished at 6pm (18:00), is it possible...

Calendar refresh - hotel reservation

Answered: You can use the built-in autorefresh feature: It will fire onAutoRefresh event in the specified interval. The execution is paused during drag and drop ...

I dont have the option for scroll to resource

Answered: You can scroll to a specific resource using the client-side API (JavaScript):

Events moving/resizing does not work with dynamicLoading enabled

Answered: There is a sample project that shows how to use the Scheduler dynamic loading. It's a more real-world scenario, it uses a database backend (unlike the demos that come with DayPilot Pro for JavaScript...

Closed modal not cleaning up after itself?

Answered: This is how it works at the moment: If the modal displays a URL (and not custom HTML) it creates an iframe object and uses it to display the target page. Creating the iframe is expensive so it keeps ...

Scheduler Event Resize Issue

In DayPilot Scheduler Event drag is working fine but I cannot resize the event by dragging. Can Anybody help me to fix this Issue? Using following version. DayPilot Pro Copyright (c) 2005 - 2016 Annp...

DayPilot Event Links do not point to accurately

Hi, I am using DayPilot Event Links in my system to show the dependencies oh the workers. But i found that some of the pointer is not pointing to accurate events. Some of them are working normal but ...

Bug in Calendar Lite Version - When moving an event to another location you cannot return the event to its previous location

Answered: I confirm the bug. It doesn't update the state information correctly during callbacks. Any change that returns events to their original state is interpreted as "no change". This bug is now fixed in t...

Remove Add 1 day to start date on create new event

Answered: The Scheduler uses exact time points. If you select a single day the dates will look like this: * start = 2016-08-10T00:00:00 * end = 2016-08-11T00:00:00 If you store the dates as date only (instead ...

Cell from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 and not 12:00:00 to 12:00:00

Answered: You are probably using the sample project from the Hotel tutorial: That project uses a manually generated time scale to adjust ...

Different CellDuration for scheduler cells and header

Answered: It's possible to insert custom segments into the time headers cells using time-based active areas. This technique is used in the following demo to split a month into thirds: http://javascript.daypilo...

css styling - Calendar and Scheduler daypilot controls

Answered: The HeightSpec value can't be set dynamically using CSS. However, if you use HeightSpec="Parent100Pct" it will automatically adjust the Scheduler height to match the height of the parent element. Jus...

onEventMove - cancel on server error

Answered: Christos, Take a look at the "Asynchronous Validation" demo: dp.onEventMove = function(args) { args.async = true; ...

snapToGrid not working

Hi, I was trying to apply snapToGrid false in our Scheduler (to be able to resize events by minutes), but it is really not working. Maybe is some other config property that is blocking it. Our config...

Example Grails Code?

Answered: Unfortunately this sample relies on the Microsoft EWS library which is only available for .NET so there is no easy way to translate this project to Grails.

BeforeCellRender is only working on the top row

Answered: 8.2 has fixed it. Thanks very much.

Moving Events- Java Script Scheduler

Answered: Are you able to reproduce this issue in the online demo? There is an option to link multiple events together so they will always be moved and resized to...

The 'Press and Hold' does not seem to work

I get the menu to popup on my mobile device and then it closes before I can interact with is. Very frustrating. What can I do to get this working?

Differences between Calendar and Scheduler + Why a person would choose between them?

Hi Dan and Team, Please would you explain the differences between a Calendar control and Scheduler control and why one person would choose between them? I've inherited some code which I am progressin...

Event Multi-Resize

Answered: Event multi-resizing isn't fully supported in the latest MVC version (8.2). The code above is for the JavaScript version and it may not work properly with the MVC version. However, the support for mu...

How to: Disable the appearance of a context menu for types of users?

Answered: You can disable the context menu for selected users using BeforeEventRender event handler - by setting e.EventRightClickEnabled to false:

calendar & compatibility

hello, If I mark the configuration of the web (IE 11/10) To copmatibilty view setting = V So the header of columns not present display. I can not turn off the configuration for other software on my c...

Event Drag And Drop Between 2 Scheduler

I have Scheduler, Scheduler1 & Scheduler2 both have "cellDuration" property set to 30 mins. but when i drag and drop an event from Scheduler1 to Scheduler2, in scheduler2 it will create an event with...
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