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Mouse Cursor Alignment Problem When Dragging An Event From One Scheduler To Another

I have 2 DayPilot scheduler in my page and i want to drag and drop an event from scheduler1 at top to the scheduler2 at bottom. Currently I'm able to do the drag and drop but when I'm dragging the ev...

Switch X and Y axis on HTML5 Timesheet

Answered: You can use the Calendar control which has the axes switched. If you want to show more days (more than the usual week) you can use fixed column width:

AngularJS themes not working

Answered: This bug should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (8.2.2266): Let me know if there is any problem. And thanks for reporting the issue!

While dragging an event mouse cursor will not be in proper position in Scheduler

Answered: This issue should be fixed in the latest sandbox build (8.2.2268): Let me know if the problem persists.

ShowNonBusiness is not working In Scheduler

Answered: All properties of the DayPilot JavaScript objects use lower camel case (just like JavaScript generally). Try this instead: $scope.dpc.businessBeginsHour = 8; $scope.dpc.businessEndsHour = 18; $...

onBeforeCellRender set cell properties

Hi all, I'm using the Daypilot Calendar in ored to manage a SPA appointmens. On the columns I have the treatment rooms and on the rows the timeframe. I'm wondering if it's possible to add a cell prop...

Different calledar for users

Answered: You can access the Controller using "Controller" property from within the Dpc class. Given that the user id is available as User.Identity.Name you can use something like this to filter the events: ...

Which java script files and functions are absolutely essential to close a modal form?

Answered: With the default settings, the modal dialog uses an iframe to display the content. That means the content is working with a different window context. In order to open the modal dialog, you need to in...

I've managed to open a modal form from code-behind, I now need to close it.. Please advise on how....

Answered: See also the explanation here: 1. The source page using UpdatePanel should be no problem (you op...

close modal dialog

Answered: It's not possible to close the modal dialog from the server side. In the MVC samples, a slighly different approach is used - the form displayed in the modal dialog is not submitted in a traditional w...

Menu will not display on Mobile

Answered: The context menu opens on right mouse click on the desktop. This event either doesn't exist or mapped unreliably to a touch gesture on touch devices. So the best way to make the context menu accessib...

Is it possible to display a Daypilot modal dialog form from the code behind of a web form?

Answered: The only way to open the modal dialog from the server side is to run the required js code using RegisterStartupScript() method. This technique is used by the Util.Modal class that comes with the moda...

Hiding resources with no events

Answered: load only resource which has events from loadResources Method.

Scheduler showing grid some area grade out

Hi, Not sure it's as design, few times i see combination of Gray and white area in scheduler table. Could you please let me know what causing the issue. Please find attached screenshot. Thanks

Force loading message with backdrop

Answered: dp.message() should work anytime and it doesn't depend on any other variable: You can also use dp.message.hide() to hide the current message. Ther...

DayPilot Inline Event Editing

Answered: The texbox dimensions are set according to the original event already. However, there is a certain minimum width/height enforced by the browser so you may see a bigger textbox for some small events. ...

Different Height for specific Events?

Answered: Yes, you can specify custom height using .height property: It will overrride the global height set using .eventHeight property. You can also specify cust...

Error when adding allday event in angular

Answered: This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (5836): Let me know if there is any problem.

Programmatically disable/enable the controls on the recurrenteventedit.aspx page? Is it possible? if so, how..

Hi Dan and Team, I would like to programmatically change those controls on the RecurrentEventEdit.aspx page.. So they can be edited, disabled, enabled, etc... Is this possible and if so, please advis...

Ressource Tree Collapse JavaScript

Answered: Since build 2259, you can use DayPilot.Row.collapse() and DayPilot.Row.expand(): In previous builds, you ...

How to scroll with mouse click and not with the mouse wheel SCHEDULER

Answered: You can scroll the grid using a "swipe" touch gesture. On touch devices, the time range selecting mode requires a "tap-and-hold" gesture to become activated. Before the selection is activated you can...

Scheduler not updating correctly the time when event moved

Hello guys, I was playing around with the scheduler and realized that if I use the scheduler to show only the hour, timeHeaders: [ { groupBy: "Month", format: "MMMM yyyy"}, { groupBy: "Day" }, { grou...

Scheduler - Row Header always keep Floating

I have set rowHeaderColumns (three columns with Name & width) & resources properties. The rowHeaderWidth is set to 200 & rowHeaderScrolling is set to true. The row headers & resources are appearing q...

Procedure for integrate daypliot js with jspm

Hi, I'm using version 8.2 for understanding scheduler hour view. Currently we are java script package modules(jspm) for loading front end modules. In the documentation i don't see any information rel...

How to change transition in daypilot scheduler

Answered: You can scroll to the specified date using .scrollTo() method: Demo: Let me know if ...

onEventClicked don't work when switching page

Hi, when i switch page, the onEventClicked don't work. I have to reload the page to make it work again. Is it a bug ? There is my code : $scope.schedulerConfig = { scale: "Day", days: 365, startDate:...

Angular 2 Support

Answered: The first Angular 2 version of the Scheduler is now available: It's in an early stage. However, the following is working: DayPi...

Scheduler Event Resizing, notifying user of the overlap and then undoing the resize?

Answered: In the ASP.NET version you can do it like this: 1. Set EventResizeHandling to "CallBack". 2. In the OnEventResize handler, perform your checks. If there is an overlap, use UpdateType.None and notify ...

Error when uploaded on server

Answered: This error doesn't seem to be related to DayPilot. It looks like you might be using HtmlLink control with a path which the control is unable to resolve: HtmlLink myHtmlLink = new HtmlLink(); myHtm...

Change start time and end time of a day in DayPilot.Scheduler

Answered: You can customize the start and end hour by generating a custom timeline:
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