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Questions Tagged lite

integrating the daypilot calendar with may controller/view

Answered: In the Pro version, there is a ClientState property that will hold and persists such data (such as filter parameters) and pass them to the server side with every callback:

Delete event in lite version

Answered: The Lite version doesn't implement the integrated "delete" icon. The best way to handle it would probably be including a special "Delete" button in the "Edit" modal dialog (just like Google Calendar ...

AngularJS how to set businessBeginsHour, businessEndsHour and calendar height

Answered: It's supposed to work like this: <div ng-app="main" ng-controller="CalendarController" > <daypilot-calendar id="calendar" daypilot-config="calendarConfig" daypilot-events="events...

How to pass date from partial view to controller in MVC4?

Hi I want to pass the data from partial view to controller My Partial view Code @Html.Label("Area" , new { @class = "control-label" }) @Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Area, new { @class = "form-contr...

Should it be just a matter of replacing the DayPilot.dll to upgrade from the Lite version?

Answered: No additional changes should be required. You can give it a try by replacing the Lite version DayPilot.dll with the trial version from

How do I use a date time after TimeRangeSelectedJavaScript?

Answered: The start of the selection is available in "start" variable in TimeRangeSelectedJavaScript. It is a DayPilot.Date object. TimeRangeSelectedJavaScript = "document.location='Bokabord2?startingtime=' ...

headers are shifted

Hi. I'm new to using Calendar (lite) and when I run the web app in the IE 11 - headers with the dates are shifted vs the data. It shows data for the next date and headers and columns are not aligned ...

Display Year with Next To Month

Answered: Unfortunately the Lite version only supports the "MMMM d" format.

Backend ActionResult 'Events' not running?

Answered: If you open developer tools in Chrome (Ctrl-Shift-I) and reload the page you will see all AJAX requests in the Network tab. You should be able to check: 1. If the request has been made 2. What is the...

how to apply css to scheduler

Answered: You should apply the theme using Theme property of the <DayPilot:DayPilotScheduler> tag like this: <DayPilot:DayPilotScheduler Theme="scheduler_8" ... /> Please note that you need to inc...

Backend Database

Answered: The format of the array items is described here: See also the following tutorial, it includes PHP and ASP.NET MVC versions of the project:

how to show tooltip or wordwrap an event for scheduler.

how to show tooltip or wordwrap an event for scheduler.I am using nuget package of daypilot version 5.0.303.0

Appoinments are not syncing in daypilot scheduler

Answered: If you load the data from the same source and update the source correctly both instances should display the same data. If you want to force an update from the client side you can use dp.commandCallBa...

Binding Datatable

Answered: The order of the resources (rows) follows the order of items in the Resources collection: The events are sorted automatically using a rule correspo...

DayPilotCalendar not rendering hours correctly in HeightSpec=BusinessHoursNoScroll if toggled hidden/visible

Answered: The browsers don't allow setting the scrollbar position on elements that are hidden. The workaround is to call dp.enableScrolling() on the client side after the control becomes visible (where "dp" is...

How to customize X-Axis

Answered: 1. In the Lite version, e.DataItem is only used for ViewType="Gantt". In that case, it stores the event source object (after calling DataBind()). In other modes e.DataItem.Source is null. In the Pro ...

How to set the scheduler timeline view?

Answered: You can set the number of visible days using Days property. Example: <DayPilot:DayPilotScheduler Days="10" ... />

how to load events from two database table

Answered: Create a new SqlDataAdapter for the second table (da2) and call da2.Fill(dt) to add the data to the same DataTable (dt).

How to Refresh DayPilot Lite Scheduler after entering event

Answered: This happens because you access e.DataItem in your BeforeEventRender event handler but you don't load the events using DataBind() during the PostBack (ButtonRefresh_Click). The events are loaded from...

Element is not a known element

Answered: There are two requirements for the IntelliSense to work: 1. The DayPilot.dll must be referenced and reachable. 2. The "DayPilot" prefix must be registered - either in the page header or in web.config...


I am using the JavaScript version of the Calendar (187-lite). dp.viewType = "week"; dp.eventDeleteHandling = "Update"; dp.dayBeginsHour = 7; dp.businessBeginsHour = 7; dp.businessEndsHour = 22; dp.da...

DayPilot Scheduler Inline Event Editing is it possible tab key to next cell focus ?

I am fetching a problem with DayPilot Scheduler.In DayPilot Scheduler Inline Event Editing I want to go next cell by pressing tab key.

Click events not firing in chrome

Answered: I have tried this on a few other computer and the issue seems to be isolated to one specific computer. The issue appears to be machine specific and not a problem with the scripts. JD

How To Redirect To URL By Clicking Event

Answered: Use the following config: @(Html.DayPilotCalendar("dpc", new DayPilotCalendarConfig { // ... EventClickHandling = EventClickHandlingType.JavaScript, EventClickJavaScript = "window.locatio...

how to use modal.js to open a add event dialog in daypilot scheduler lite

Answered: Some of the DayPilotScheduler properties you are using are only available in the Pro version: Scale CellGroupBy ClientObjectName DataTagFields OnCommand Also, the TimeRangeSelectedJavaScript is resol...

Content menu show on empty cell

How can we show context menu on empty cell click

How to show Navigator in Horizontal Orientation

Hello, I am using Javascript to create Navigator. In this file I want to display 12 months Navigator in a page with 4 months in 3 rows. Can anyone please let me know how can I do it in lite version o...

Background Color for a Particular Event.

Answered: You would be better off switching to the JavaScript version of DayPilot Lite. As this is a pure client-side solution (without the server bindings) it takes just one place to change the behavior. The ...

How to modify source code to set event color in lite version

Answered: Guidance on how to modify the Lite source code to add specific features is beyond the scope of the support that we provide for the open-source version. If you want to save time inspecting and modifyi...

Navigator in Day Pilot Lite Version

Answered: Sorry - it is but it doesn't have any server-side part. The JavaScript source can be found in Demo/Scripts/DayPilot/src folder.
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