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Infinite/Endless Scrolling: Scheduler

Answered: It's not implemented yet but it's in the queue.

Is it possible to have multple resource/row headers width different height ?

Answered: Unfortunately it's not implemented at this moment.

Custom data in afterRender method on initial load is always null

I see that the Scheduler returns custom data in the Update(data) function on the initial page load, but it doesn't seem that the Calendar works the same. I can return data on an update, but not on an...

How to disabled all actions in date range

Answered: You can disable the parent rows using .preventParentUsage property:

Filter in columns

Answered: Since build 8.0.1545 it's now possible to specify custom row data (tags) and use them in onRowFilter: Specifying custom row data (tags): dp.resources = [ { name: "Room A", id: "A"}, // ... ...

Insert an input to the file edit.php

I would like to know how to insert another field commented on edit.php file because eh treaty but I always get an error using the lite version and let me know if possible. Thanks.

Scheduler looses scroll position

Answered: It looks like gets reset right after the animation starts. It happens with plain div with "overflow:auto" as well: Probably the best solution would be to hook the minim...

TimeFormat recognizion doesn't seem to work perfectly in the calendar

Answered: The Swedish locale is defined like this: DayPilot.Locale.register(new DayPilot.Locale('sv-se', { 'dayNames':['söndag','måndag','tisdag','onsdag','torsdag','fredag','lördag'],'dayNamesShort':['...

How to get parent resource id

Answered: You should be able to do this: Resource r = DayPilotScheduler1.Resources.FindById(e.NewResource); Resource parent = DayPilotScheduler1.Resources.FindParent(r);

Using SQL with DayPilot

Answered: Take a look at the following tutorial: It uses the Lite version to show how to load data and handle events using a very light-weight se...

How to display datepattern year with only two numbers ?

Answered: It's now supported in the latest sandbox build (8.0.1538):

Scheduler: edit row width

Answered: No, the grid of the "days". The Feature of the row-header-width is perfect. I can Change it with the mousecursor. Exactly the same Feature for the calendar-days would be cool!

how to show contextMenu when right-click on timeRange

Answered: You need to specify the context menu using .contextMenuSelection: dpc.contextMenuSelection = new DayPilot.Menu([ {text: "New appointment", onclick: function (args) { var ...

Day pilot event selection on right-click and double-click events

Hi, I'm working on the Day pilot Pro Javascript -v1531. When the event right-clicked or double-clicked the event should get selected and it is not doing now. Please help me to achieve this.

Calendar OnEventSelected() event doesn't change the back color of event

Hello, I'm working on the daypilot event calendar javascript pro - v1531. I have 2 events in my calendar. The first event had some back ground color and the second event had default color. When i sel...

startdate = yesterday on scroll calendar

Hi, how can I make daypilotscheduler to start on yestarday date and finish today?? Im using c#

How to unselect a row

Answered: You can clear the selection using rows.selection.clear(): dps.rows.selection.clear();

Filtering on multiple columns

Hi, I've been trying to find a way to do filtering (same as described here): but on different resource row columns (same as here): htt...

Feature Request:How to reorder/resize the resource columns- Event calender - Daypilot pro javascript

Couple of weeks back, i have raised a question regarding resize/reorder of resource columns and 'Dan Letecky' requested for the sponsoring the feature.

Add CheckBoxes/Radio Buttons next to Resources Children, Also provide functionality to select available time

Hi All, I am trying to mimic the behavior we see in outlook for scheduling a meeting, where in on the left most side we have attendees and/or meeting rooms and right side it shows timeline for all. I...

Daypilot scheduler crashes when dragging and reloading

Hi! When an Event is in dragging-mode, and the auto-reload (with Event reloading) is firering, daypilot crashes

Event calendar: adjacent events falsely treated as overlapping

In the event calendar view, Daypilot Lite treats two events as overlapping if the end time of one of them is the same as the start day of the other. Therefore, neither of them takes the full width of...

HTML Application

Hello, Is there a way to embed DayPilot Scheduler in an HTML Application (.hta file) ? I've tried this little code but no way: alertbox #1 and #2 never fired, and nothing shown (path to library is ok...

Expand specific resource from resource tree.

I have resource tree which has 2 levels. I want to expand only specific resource based on condition and others are collapse. how to do?

Searching Developer / Development Team who connects DayPilot ASP.NET to our roombooking solution!

Hi, is there any developer interested in connecting DayPilot to our roombooking solution? Contact me! Nicolas Leiser Tel 0049 89 416129810

Calendar appointments with UTC start/end

Hello, I am trying out DayPlanner MVC on Azure Websites. They run in UTC. When the DayPilot javascript calls the Backend controller method, the start and end times of events are in the correct time i...

How to clear events?

Answered: Found a workaround: {; });

IE11, Win8.1 - extrem slow reactions

Answered: Loading less Events should be a good Thing. Now i am getting back about 20 Events. And the CPU is "only" going up to 6% when reloading. And when Scrolling at this Moment the Scheduler hangs for a sho...

Calendar taking a long time to switch days in Day view

Answered: Most likely this is caused by loading more events than necessary. You can try limiting the event set using StartDate and Days properties. See an example from the ASP.NET MVC 4 event calendar tutorial...

Pass Parameters to BackendController Dpc Class Onfinish

Answered: 1. You can use the ClientState property: 2. Or you can modify the .backendUrl dynamically on the client side and read the query string it in the control...
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