Questions Tagged
daypilotcalendar for multiple users
Answered: If you want to show calendars for 30 or more users it is definitely better to switch to daypilot scheduler which displays the resources (people) on the vertical axis:
Define URL for Event
Answered: By default there is no URL associated with the event. You should handle the EventClick event and define the required action. For redirecting it to a specified url you can use something like this:
100% Height for Scheduler (HeightSpec="Parent100Pct") not working
Answered: This probably means the height of the parent element is not set properly (at all). Please see also: You can use fixed pixels:
Scheduler SetScrollX from JScript
Answered: In the Scheduler, you can do it using setScroll() method (in pixels): Or using scrollTo() method (using a date):
var now = new DayPilot.Date(...
How to Refresh DayPilot Lite Scheduler after entering event
Answered: The only way to do it in the Lite version is to place the Scheduler inside an UpdatePanel and refresh the panel. It is demonstrated in this tutorial (not described in the tutorial text but it is used...
Scheduler: Multiple Tasks Per Row Where ViewMode=Gantt
Answered: The problem #1 can be solved by generating the rows manually (it's really simple) as demonstrated in the Gantt tutorial at
how to split an hour
Answered: In the Lite version the cell duration is fixed to 30 minutes. In the Pro version you can change it using CellDuration property (CellDuration=15).
Answered: You can use Webmatrix but its editing and project management capabilities are limited. I would recommend trying Visual Studio Express for Web instead:
horizontal display of calendar
Answered: When display calendar for multiple users you can choose one of the following views: 1. Resources on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis (Scheduler control):
Differnt colors for Gantt tasks
Answered: Some themes use a gradient event background defined using "background" CSS style (scheduler_white, scheduler_green). The e.BackgroundColor translated into an inline "background-color" and this proper...
Modal dialog seems to have a max height of 250?
Answered: The version of DayPilot.Modal that can be downloaded at [] supports three properties: * height (the fixed height; the minimal height whe...
How do you use EventResizeJavaScript and similar with MVC
Answered: This is not a typical scenario and that makes the solution a bit complicated. What you need to do in the JavaScript is to call the server-side handler and then make sure the request has been complete...
Bubble + Traditional Theme
Answered: Seems to be fixed in the sandbox version:
adding resources by vertical resizing
Answered: Hi Dennis, Unfortunately this is not possible at the moment - an event can only be displayed in one resources row. If you want to display it in multiple rows, you will need to have it twice in the da...
How to add additional data in day pilot event
Answered: Hi krishnan, The event source object (from DataSource) is available in BeforeEventRender event handler as e.DataItem (e.DataItem.Source). Example:
protected void DayPilotCalendar1_BeforeEventRe...
Events rendering 1 day back
Answered: Please try using DateTime.Date when setting the new StartDate value, e.g.
protected override void OnCommand(CommandArgs e)
switch (e.Command)
case "navigate":
Refreshing of Daypilot Schedulter
Answered: After clearing the resources, it is necessary to call full update:
Please let me know if it didn't help.
Set click event
Answered: On the server side: DayPilotScheduler1.EventClickHandling="JavaScript"; DayPilotScheduler1.EvenClickJavaScript="dps1.eventMenuClickPostBack(e, 'Command')";
IE 8 slow loading Calendar on Post-Back
Hi, we have an application that uses 6.9 pro with the webforms calendar and every time the page is posted back i.e. changing a date, the calendar takes a long time to render. Surprisingly the longest...
Answered: I assume you mean the events (coming from DataSource), not the background cells (the matrix). To fire the client-side EventClick event, call this:
e is the DayPilot.Event ob...
Problem with TimeRangeDoubleClickJavaScript in Chrome Browser
Answered: This should be fixed now in build 2866. You can download it in the sandbox:
How to show the different color for each type of Event (MVC doen't have e.DataItem)
Answered: It's now available in build 5528. See the sandbox:
How to change the data format in daypilot shechduler control
Answered: DayPilot is loading the event start and end dates using a code similar to this:
string strStart = DataBinder.GetPropertyValue(dataItem, DataStartField, null);
if (!DateTime...
Changing date format in DayPilot lite schedular in header
Answered: The Lite version of the Scheduler doesn't support changing the date format in the header. It will always show the day number for CellDuration >= 1440. If you want to display something else you will h...
JavaScript runtime error: Object doesn't support this property or method
Answered: This was a bug in DayPilot.puc(). It only happens if you have an element with id="l" on your page and open it in IE. See also:
DayPilotNavigator and updatepanel, DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged Error: JScript runtime
Answered: This bug is fixed now in build 7.3.2854. You can download it in the sandbox: Please let me know if there is any problem.
Undefined resourcecolumn
Answered: This is fixed now in build 2853: The fix will be included in the next release. Thanks for reporting the bug!
highlight bank holidays in scheduler
Answered: 1. First you need the holiday data. 2. Add a BeforeCellRender event handler. This event is called once for each time cell. You should check the cell date (e.Start, e.End) here and compare it with the...
Binding Calendar Events to Backend Stored Procedure Dataset
Answered: These properties should actually hold the names of the fields/columns in the list: DataIdField = "RowNum" DataTextField = "Employee" DataStartField = "Annual_Leave_Day" DataEndField = "Annual_Leave_D...