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Cannot read property 'height' of undefined

Answered: After trying a few things I've came to the conclusion that dp.update() can not be executed before or vice-versa.

Finding empty time slots in the event calendar

I am trying to build a timesheet app and I want to find all the empty slots (where there is no event assigned to the time slot) on a given day and not let them submit if there are more than accepted ...

cells don't appear with background color

Answered: Are you using the latest DayPilot Pro version? This normally shouldn't happen and I'm not able to reproduce this problem. Anyway, as a workaround you can also call:; It has the same effect ...

Calendar Timetable with TimeHeader as a range of start and end

I would like to make a Timetable (daily) for my events, just to have one under another (one in a line). I've seen a tutorial, but it is for WebForms. For now I've done TimeHeaders with range of start...

ShowNonBusiness="false" page collapse

Hi, I have a date picker that is fed to the Scheduler control. The scheduler only shows 1 day at a time and for the hours 5am until 9pm using ShowNonBusiness="false" BusinessBeginsHour="7" BusinessEn...

AreaCollection in DayPilot calendar

Answered: Active areas were not supported in the Calendar grid cells until now. However, this feature is now available in the latest sandbox build (8.3.5867):

Error while compiling angular2 project using AOT compiler " StaticSymbols in summaries can't have members!".

Answered: The latest sandbox build (8.3.2769) now supports AOT. The Angular 2 components were moved out of the DayPilot.Angular namespace and it's necessary to use the new component names. The old components i...

one events on tow resources

Answered: There are several possible approaches: 1. You can select multiple ranges at once: 2. You can select additional rows and create a record ...

Angular2 : problem with licensed version

Answered: There is a bug in the latest release. It's already fixed in the latest sandbox build and a new release is on the way - it will be available later today. Meanwhile, you can use the previous release (8...

Cell customize

Answered: I'm not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for but you can get a list of events the overlap a given cell in onBeforeCellRender using See also:

DayPilotBubble not showing on Touch/Mobile devices (iOS/Android)

Answered: Hi Piet, The problem is that the previous behavior was not intended - it was never supposed open a cell bubble on tap. Cell tapping selects a single cell and fires TimeRangeSelected event. You should...

New Lines in DataTextField

Answered: Oh nevermind, I just replaced Environment.NewLine with <br /> and in wrote protected override void OnBeforeEventRender(BeforeEventRenderArgs e) { e.Html = e.Text; } works nice now, there are new line...

Reloading daypilot control based on dates from textbox

How to reload daypilot scheduler based on date entered in a text box? Currently thought it taking value, once form is loaded, it show data loaded first time. Kindly assist

DayPilotScheduler variable no longer available

Answered: Yes, DayPilotScheduler namespace is deprecated as is no longer available. Instead of DayPilotScheduler.dragStart() you can use DayPilot.Scheduler.startDragging(options): Old syntax: DayPilotSchedul...

Half Day Blocks

Answered: Found a solution... function onEventMoving(args) { args.start = args.start.getDatePart().addHours(12); args.end = args.end.getDatePart().addHours(12); }

Scheduler - Event.partStart()

Answered: dp.eventMoveSkipNonBusiness = true;

Event for ContextMenuSelection

Hey everyone, I tried to call a method in my contoller via a the MenuItemAction. In the normal ContextMenu the "OnEventMenuClick" event gets fired. So I want to know which event is for the ContextMen...

Change actual date to "Day 1" for shift cycle

Is it possible to change the actual date in the header, e.g. 02/16/2017 to "Day 1", "Day 2", etc.? This is useful when doing/showing shift cycles where a date is not relevant (dates are assigned late...


I need to return the user to the last row they clicked on and see references to scrollToResource but it doesn't seem to exist in the Pro MVC build. Is there a way to do this in MVC?

Conditional Overlaps of Appointments?

Answered: You can use the real-time event handlers to implement it: EventMovingJavaScript EventResizingJavaScript TimeRangeSelectingJavaScript The latest sandbox build (8.3.3582) supports

Default start time

Answered: In the Calendar control, you can use ScrollPositionHour property to set the initial scrollbar position.

Resize event

Answered: I've updated the version and its solved. thanks.

Time and Attendance for ASP MVC

Hello, I am after a working time and attendance component with managers approval and invoicing - status (approval/rejected) and various states (like submitted, new, locked etc). So the same timesheet...

Monthly Time range selection is erratic

Answered: Thanks for the reply Dan. No issue with clearing it manually. It was just acting slightly different from the Lite version and wanted to be sure it wasn't something stupid that i did.

Grid Lines

Answered: If you mean the grid cells starting and ending at 12:00 (noon) instead of 00:00 (midnight) then this is implemented using a custom timeline feature: It's ...

User too much speed

Answered: The Scheduler supports BlockOnCallBack property that allows blocking the UI during CallBacks (until the CallBack is resolved). It temporarily places an overlay div over the Scheduler which prevents a...

Monthly Event Calendar - Steps after AJAX Calendar Event Moving not clear

Answered: To get it working you need these elements: 1. A MVC view with the calendar (Views/Home/Index.cshtml) 2. A controller action for this view (Controllers/HomeController.cs: Index() method) 3. A controll...

Cells drawing problem

Answered: Strange issue. The Scheduler doesn't get rendered properly when it's in a hidden part of a page during initialization (such as an inactive tab). This happens because the browser doesn't calculate dim...

Disable HeaderColumn resize

Hi, is there a method or a property to disable resize of HeaderColumns? I have created 3 custom columns in my scheduler and I really need to lock their size. Thanks Davide

Demo version question

Answered: The demo doesn't have this kind of limitation. It might be your bug, but it might also be a DayPilot bug - so let me know in that case.
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