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Questions Tagged daypilot

execute a javascript function after commandCallBack success

Answered: I recommend relying on the Navigator to request the events using the standard mechanism: 1. Let the "Next" button change the navigator only: <a href="#" id="next">Next</a> <script> $("#next")...

Multiple lines/rows in

Answered: For overriding the event HTML, use the .html property. In order to add a line break, use "<br/>": = [ { start: "2015-12-01", end: "2015-12-05", text: "Event 1", ...

Use Custom JSON Object in resource

Answered: The scheduler .resources property requires this exact structure. See also: If your server returns JSON array that has items with a different stru...

Selected event unselects when I call .update() on Calendar?

Answered: This is a bug which has been fixed in build 8.0.1746. You can test it and download the latest build in the sandbox:

How to process event double click without error in DayPilot Calendar?

Answered: Please see the documentation on how to use event double click event: In the latest realease (

How to undo the action DayPilot.Scheduler on event moved on the last event i saved without reloading the page?

Answered: try this code.. i hope i will helps you.. i did not use args.preventDefault(); but i use the code calling on events.php to load the updated data dp.message("MoveCancelled"); DayPilot.request("backend...

Forbidd Events Overlapping

Answered: Please make sure that you are using an up-to-date CSS theme. Older themes may not include the *_shadow_overlap CSS class that is used to highlight the forbidden position. You can create a new theme i...

How can i clear the content of daypilot scheduler version 7.9

Answered: This issue seems to be related to the timeline only. You can see this exception if the timeline is empty, i.e. when Days is set to 0 or if you hide all columns (

A problem when expanding a resource at the middle or bottom of DayPilot scheduler

Good Day for you all. I have a problem with the DayPilot Scheduler Control (Take for example this one when making 'Room A' at the bottom of the Reso...

Daypilot Calendar issue with Internet Explorer and Mozilla FireFox

Hello, I have created a schedule which is working fine, however, the schedule only displays properly in Chrome. Internet Explorer 9 and Mozilla FireFox 30.0 does not display properly. Is there a bug ...

Help with building ASP.NET event calendar

Answered: Have you added a reference to DayPilot.Web.Mvc.dll? If you are using a "web site" project type it's enough to copy the dll to the bin directory. For compiled projects (default for MVC) you need to ad...
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