Questions Tagged resources
Rowspan undefined with collapsed resources and multiple columns
Answered: This should be already fixed in the latest version (which is now 2022.3.5384). Please let me know if the problem persists.
custom resource field
Answered: You'll need to transform your data set to match the data structure required by the Scheduler. It displays the name specified by the "name" property:
How to hide resources without events
Answered: Please take a look at the following tutorial:
How to change time header in calendar, I would like to show resources in the header and days on the y-axis
Answered: This is in the plan but unfortunately it's not available yet. At this moment, the Calendar can only show up to 24 hours on the vertical axis.
Constrain Event moves in Scheduler to within Parent Resource?
Answered: Oh, of course... after hours of searching docs, I find something mere seconds after asking. I'm assuming it will be handled in "Event Moving Customization" correct?
Change order of Resources (like drag and drop)
Answered: Yes, it is available. Please take a look at the following demo:
Horizontal resources
Answered: It's possible to display resources on the horizontal axis with the Calendar control switched to "Resources" mode: Demo: http://javascript.daypilot.or...
Hide resources name column in scheduler?
Answered: You can use rowHeaderColumns:
dp.rowHeaderColumns = [];
See also
How can i clear the content of daypilot scheduler version 7.9
Answered: This issue seems to be related to the timeline only. You can see this exception if the timeline is empty, i.e. when Days is set to 0 or if you hide all columns (
Set a Resource as Unavailable for a Time Period on Scheduler
Answered: You can set custom background color, HTML and CSS class for individual grid cells using BeforeCellRender event handler:
DayPilot Scheduler multiple resources binding
I''m new to Daypilot scheduler. please let me know how to add multiple resources with different resource types and binding those with timeline. I can add only one id reference in following propeties ...
Questions 1-11 of 11