Questions Tagged javascript
Reset "args" data in "onEventMoved"
Answered: This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (8.3.2841): Let me know if the problem persists.
Daypilot scheduler demo version
Answered: The trial version of DayPilot Pro can only be used for evaluation purposes and can't be used in live applications. If you want to deploy it you have to purchase a license: https://javascript.daypilot...
Angular 2 scheduler loaded in a dynamic component
Hi, I'm trying to load a scheduler within a dynamic component in Angular 2 but I'm experiencing problems to get events showing in my scheduler. I'm not really sure what's going on but it could be som...
Implementing a navigator in a Resource View
Answered: The visibleStart() and visibleEnd() are guaranteed to work only for the following viewTypes: "Day" "Week" "WorkWeek" The primary purpose of these methods is to provide information on the dates that w...
how to reduce amount
Hi sir, This is valueable to codeing .but small doubt . iask to how to reduce in amount .
Kanban - args.preventDefault()
Answered: This issue should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (8.3.2792):
Can't get showNonBusiness to work on JS
Answered: I used dayBeginsHour and dayEndsHour instead and that worked perfectly. I'm not sure if showNonBusiness is deprecated, I tried to debug the script and saw those two so I used them. So now my only pro...
Change from sqllite to MS SQL
Answered: Yes, you just need to adjust the $db variable initialization in _db.php:
$db = new PDO('sqlite:daypilot.sqlite');
For MySQL you'll need to use something like this:
$host = "";
$port =...
Inverse the axis
Answered: It's possible but you'd have to use the Calendar control switch to the "Resources" mode instead of the Scheduler. You can see a demo here:
DayPilot.Scheduler.resources expects an array object in 8.3.2724
Hello, I evaluated feasibility of daypilot in Angular in trial of version 1938 and now we bought licensed code. Once I copied library I started to getting error: DayPilot.Scheduler.resources expects ...
SyntaxError: Unexpected token in JSON at position 0
Answered: It is definitively related to the use of BOM, If I open the file I clearly see the [ at first position but if the file is read through fs, the BOM is not stripped and the JSON.parse fails.
dragging from external list focusing on prefer target
Answered: I worked it out using scrollTo & scrollToResource. thanks anyway
Gantt: onBeforeTaskRender cssClass not working
Answered: You need to specify the CSS class for either the row header ( or for the task box in the grid ( In the Gantt chart, doesn't exist:
JS Schedular - Multimove across the resources(y axis)
Answered: You can move all events if you set multiMoveVerticalMode property to "All":
dp.multiMoveVerticalMode = "All";
The documentation is now updated.
typescript can't find Property 'makeDraggable'
Answered: DayPilot.Scheduler.makeDraggable() is now included in the TypeScript definitions (since
Time Range Multi-Selecting without holding ctrl.
Hello everyone, is it possible to do a multirow select without holding the ctrl button in the scheduler? I should be possible to select the startDate by clicking on one cell. Then the user should hol...
delete and/or view
hi, how do i delete/cancel the event on your program? also, how or where can i access or view it's database? 'coz i can't see it in my localhost. i'm using uwamp server. it would be great if you help...
Display selected day in Navigator
Answered: You can select a given day using .select() method:
<div id="nav"></div>
var nav = DayPilot.Navigator("nav");
// ...
See al...
Events show less one day and endDate on TimeRageSelected gives 1 more day
Answered: This is by design. Please see this topic for more details and other options:
Leak on the splitter object in daypilot-all.debug.js
We found out that the events 'mouseup' and 'mousemove' registered in daypilot-all.debug.js line 6227 are never unregistered, causing a leak every time you zoom in/out of the component. this.registerG...
Automatically moving later events when inserting new event
Answered: This is a nice feature but it's not implemented at the moment because it would lead to bad app design (allowing inconsistencies). 1. Let's say you have scheduled one event per day for a given resourc...
Svg export bug
Answered: The time header background color should now work properly with the latest sanbox build (8.3.2737): The export doesn't support HTML in the Scheduler elements a...
Cannot read property 'height' of undefined
Answered: After trying a few things I've came to the conclusion that dp.update() can not be executed before or vice-versa.
Finding empty time slots in the event calendar
I am trying to build a timesheet app and I want to find all the empty slots (where there is no event assigned to the time slot) on a given day and not let them submit if there are more than accepted ...
cells don't appear with background color
Answered: Are you using the latest DayPilot Pro version? This normally shouldn't happen and I'm not able to reproduce this problem. Anyway, as a workaround you can also call:; It has the same effect ...
Error while compiling angular2 project using AOT compiler " StaticSymbols in summaries can't have members!".
Answered: The latest sandbox build (8.3.2769) now supports AOT. The Angular 2 components were moved out of the DayPilot.Angular namespace and it's necessary to use the new component names. The old components i...
Angular2 : problem with licensed version
Answered: There is a bug in the latest release. It's already fixed in the latest sandbox build and a new release is on the way - it will be available later today. Meanwhile, you can use the previous release (8...
Cell customize
Answered: I'm not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for but you can get a list of events the overlap a given cell in onBeforeCellRender using See also:
Half Day Blocks
Answered: Found a solution... function onEventMoving(args) { args.start = args.start.getDatePart().addHours(12); args.end = args.end.getDatePart().addHours(12); }