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Questions Tagged mvc

How can I make a filter per user?

Answered: You can add a custom constructor that will accept additional parameters: Action: public ActionResult Backend() { var userId = .... return new Dpc(userId).CallBack(this); } Dpc class: pu...

Drag Drop events not working in IE 11

Answered: You can get the latest version of DayPilot Pro in the customer area (if you have an active maintenance subscription): It looks like you are using DayPilot Pro for ...

Client and Backend version mismatch

Answered: Hi Jozsef, Thanks for reporting the issue! It's fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2019.3.5988).

Week Calendar. How to have events of arbitrary length

Answered: In the Lite (open-source) version this is not supported but in the Pro version you can set the behavior using useEventBoxes property. Please see more here:

How do I deploy daypilot light to my server?

Answered: Never mind. Just copied the dll to the bin folder for the website and voila it works.

'DayPilot' is not defined

Answered: Please make sure that daypilot-all.min.js is loaded before the month control initialization code [@Html.DayPilotMonth("dp",....]. If the library is not loaded at that point it will generate an error ...

Error ao inicialzar

Answered: This is the URL of the backend controller (Calendar/backend) that handles the internal calls made by the client-side library. If you open it directly in the browser, you will receive an error because...

Error when multi moving while EventMoveHandling is set to notify

Hello, I am using DayPilot Scheduler MVC version 2019.1.5964 and I get an error when I'm trying to move multiple events while the EventMoveHandling of the Scheduler control is set to Notify: daypilot...

when click on even

when click on event how do I load event detail in pop up, now empty pop up shows up.

how to add Switching Day/Week View

Answered: To switch the view, you just need to change the viewType value and call update(), like this: Switch to day view: dp.viewType = "Day"; dp.update(); Switch to week view: dp.viewType = "Week"; d...

Allocating a color to each event

Answered: Please see the documentation:

Can you view more than one month/week with DaypilotLite?

Answered: Unfortunately it's not supported in the Lite version.

How do I make my DayPilot Month Calendar to be Read Only in Asp.Net MVC?

Answered: You can make it read-only by disabling the drag and drop actions one by one: @Html.DayPilotMonth("dpm", new DayPilotMonthConfig { BackendUrl = Url.Content("~/Home/Backend"), EventMoveHandlin...

Row header click isn't working

Answered: The problem was because of "e" parameter, it shouldn't be there

additional parameters when using onLoadNode

Answered: If you need to get client-side state on the server side you can use clientState property to store it (typically it's used for storing filter rules): Wh...

Edit Event does not fire in Chrome unless DevTools is started

Answered: Fortunately, I found a workaround by using these JS events: dpc.onEventMove = function (e, newStart, newEnd) { eventChange(e, newStart, newEnd); }; dpc.onEventResize = function (e, newStart, newEnd) ...


Answered: In PHP, you can modify the backend scripts (backend_events.php, backend_create.php) to work with your database. The DB connection properties can be found in _db.php. The MVC version defines the data ...

Resources expanded by default??

Answered: If you set DynamicChildren = true the Scheduler assumes that the children are not available and need to be loaded from the server ( ...

Book few rooms in one go

Answered: It's possible to select multiple time ranges at once if you enable time range multiselecting as described here: See also a demo (MVC ver...

Error while updating cell html after eventMove

Answered: Hi Simone, You should try to avoid the direct cell modification. The Scheduler supports OnBeforeCellRender event handler on the server side which will let you specify the cell content in a more decla...

Custom data for Resources

Answered: The MVC version is designed to customize the rows on the server side (using DataItem and OnBeforeResHeaderRender) and at this moment there is no way to pass custom data to the client side.

Dynamic resource columns in Scheduler

I'm currently using DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET MVC: 8.1.5819.1. The objective is having 1 or 3 HeaderColumns depending on a parameter. In my cshtml I declared the following : "HeaderColumns = new RowHe...

Scheduler - Changing background color event of many event on click on once

Answered: Resolved

Update .timeHeaders doesn't work (with scheduler).

Answered: In the MVC version, the time headers are generated on the server side and it's not possible to switch the view without calling the server. You can request an update using commandCallBack() method whi...

No EventTapAndHoldHandling for Scheduler

Answered: It looks like this option was missing in the Scheduler by accident. It's now available in the latest sandbox build (2018.2.5945): It will be included in th...


Answered: Please take a look at the documentation: You need to use onEventDelete event handler to call backend_delete.php endpoint on the server side. You need...

error in dt.fill

project not running

Event Drag Shadow displaying in wrong Resource Column

Answered: Thanks Dan! We have found the issue. There was a hidden "body { zoom: 80% }" in one of the libraries we used. Removing this solved the problem, and now we can make the correct changes to make everyth...

Event Calendar

Answered: Have you checked the docs?

DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET Core

Answered: Yes, the special ASP.NET Core version of DayPilot is on hold at the moment. I recommend using the JavaScript version instead - it provides greater flexibility and control than the integrated server-s...
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