Questions Tagged
Scheduler Tutorial: Hotel Room Booking. Left Resize doesn't work??? Right Resize works
Answered: It looks like there is a bug in the EventResize event handler. If you modify it like this it will work fine:
protected void DayPilotScheduler1_EventResize(object sender, DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events....
Frameset issue with DayPilotBubble
Answered: Andrew, Could you please try build 2718 from the sandbox? This issue should be fixed there. Please let me know if the problem persists.
Scheduler: Get events for a given resource
Answered: On the client-side, you can do the following:
var hasEvents = dps.findRowByResourceId("A").events.length > 0;
On the server side, there is no internal structure that keeps events matched to the r...
Bug with getScrollableHeight into the scheduler.js
Answered: Thanks for reporting the bug. It's already fixed in the latest codebase and the fix will be included in the next release:
How to change width for first column in Timeline-View (DayPilotScheduler)
Answered: Try the RowHeaderWidth property.
Scheduler: Dynamic Node Loading
Answered: The events have to be loaded in full (for all resources) - except of the dynamic loading mode (DynamicLoading="true") when the events loaded in the Scroll event handler are added to the existing even...
Accuracy of Event Color Bar to the Event's Start/End Time
Answered: Well the best answer is to get the Pro version -- the feature I described is built-in and maintained. However, I have made some adjustments to the "calendar.src.js" file below around line 2005. Be su...
Hide hours in schuduler mode
Answered: The Scheduler control ( doesn't support hiding individual columns in the Lite version. In the Pro version, you can use BusinessBeginsHour, BusinessEndsHour, and...
NavigateURL not opening in a new window
Answered: There was a bug - it's now fixed in build 7.1.2716. You can download it in the sandbox: See also:
Is there any way to select over an exisiting block?
Answered: You can adjust the row height using RowMarginBottom and RowMinHeight properties:
Daypilot Month Bubble on Click?
Answered: You can use the following settings:
I got an error .. " Unable to convert '' (from DataStartField column) to DateTime."
Answered: Steve is right: You should check the values in this column. It looks like one of the values is null. DayPilot uses the following code to get the DateTime value from the DataStartField column:
EventFontSize does update font size if set from code-behind
Hi, I am using DayPilot version 6.4.2265.1 and I am coming up with event font size issue while setting it from code-behind. But when I set it from designer (.aspx) EventFontSize="14pt" it works. I wa...
IE does not show correct BackgroundColor from BeforeEventRender
Answered: If you are using CssOnly="true" mode you should check the following question: You may need to m...
DayPilotScheduler - Name of the event
Hello, First of all, I would congratulate developers of this solution, this is a very very nice component ! I am trying to use the scheduler in order to display some bookings in the wallchart. But my...
Disable cell selection
Answered: At this moment it's only possible to disable the cells for the whole row by marking it as parent using PreventParentUsage. See also:
AM/PM Incorrect on Event Header with "Clock12Hours" Setting
Answered: This bug is fixed now in the latest codebase. The fix will be included in the next release. Thanks for reporting the issue!
How to Zoom out to year(s)
I have 10+ years of data and I am trying to Zoom way out in years. I am following the sample located here,
ASP.Net MVC3 -- How to update "StartDate" field from jQuery DatePicker control?
Answered: You should replace
dpc.startDate = newDateTime;
with this:
dpc.commandCallBack("goto", { "start": start });
In the server-side OnCommand handler, detect e.Command ==...
Scheduler event with milestones
Answered: In the 7.1 release, it's possible to add custom "active areas" to the event. It's a rectangular area that is displayed when you move the mouse over the event. In order to place the area at the right ...
Vertical Scroll
Answered: HeightSpec="Max" means the height will never be more than Height value (in pixels). You can try HeightSpec="Full". You can also set the initial scrollbar position using ScrollPositionHour property.
Calendar - Weekend different color
Answered: You can change the color of the background cells using BeforeCellRender event handler. You can change the cell CSS class using e.CssClass, you can also change the IsBusiness status using e.IsBusiness...
Vertical scrollbar
Answered: You can control the vertical scrollbar using HeightSpec property:
Let users know when they already have an event scheduled for a particular time
Answered: There are two possible approaches: 1. Check the new event against the database before saving it. For a simple scenario (i.e. no recurring events) you can use the same logic you use for selecting even...
How to show the different color for the different kind of activity
Answered: You can use BeforeEventRender event handler:
protected void DayPilotMonth1_BeforeEventRender(object sender, DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.Month.BeforeEventRenderEventArgs e)
string status = (string)...
Is there a way to print a DayPilot Month, Calendar or Scheduler for MVC
Answered: Image export is not implemented for the MVC version yet. It might be available in the 7.2 release.
Date and Time
Answered: You will need to join these two fields in the select command: But I would recom...