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Daypilot scheduler 2018.1.3203. showNonBusiness false still shows weekends

Answered: This behavior was caused by a bug. It's fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2018.2.3214): Please let me know if the problem persists.

Event Calendar

Answered: Have you checked the docs?

Keep expanded/Collapsed state after a postback Daypilot Gantt

Answered: If you set StoreTasksInViewState="true" the current state of the whole task hierarchy will be saved in the ViewState and it will be available on the server side during PostBacks.

DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET Core

Answered: Yes, the special ASP.NET Core version of DayPilot is on hold at the moment. I recommend using the JavaScript version instead - it provides greater flexibility and control than the integrated server-s...

Seaparator in each Saturday?

Answered: Each separator has to be entered as a special item in the separators array. I recommend using a loop to generate it for all Saturdays in the selected date range.

calendar ScrollPosition

i have a calendar with "days" view configured it shows all days of a daterange of 2 months (ca 62 days) dp.days =7 (because i only wanna see 7 days and scroll horizontally to the rest of the days) ho...

Create Event half way through the day

Answered: At this moment the time range selection only works for whole steps (the snap-to-grid option doesn't apply here - However, you can use smaller cells ...

Load blocked cells via ajax?

Answered: You can store your period data in resources[] or in a global array and use onBeforeCellRender to check overlaps with the current cell. There is an Angular tutorial that shows how to do that - it's wr...

the patient interface doesnt allows entries or shows available slots

im running it on local server(wamp) manager can set schedule but the doctor or patient can not enter the data into the scheduled slots even after clicking on them any suggestions? i have uploaded ind...

Issue with Duplicate rows in gantt daypilot scheduler

Answered: It looks like your SQL select produces two rows for every item. Have you tried checking the data set? There are a couple of things to review: 1. Do you intend to display multiple items per row? Then ...

Gantt - Error: 'Bubble support is not implmented yet.'

Answered: This is a bug of the latest release (2018.1.5927). It's fixed now in version 2018.1.5936:

Get the RoomId and create a new event for Day Pilot Scheduler

Answered: Please take a look at this docs topic: The resource id is available in the TimeRangeSelected event handler (e.Resource on the server side, "resource...

Angular 5 Scheduler Event cssClass

Answered: You need to target ":host ::ng-deep" to the CSS selector: styles: [' :host ::ng-deep .test { font-weight: bold; } '], This style will be translated to something like this: [_nghost-c1] .test {...

Gantt graph appearance height

Answered: You can use dp.heightSpec = "Parent100Pct" to set the Gantt height to 100% of the parent element. Just make sure that the parent height is set explicitly (either using "height" style or using "top"/"...

Show bootstrap delete icon on the Event when hover.

Answered: First, you need to disable the built-in icon by removing eventDeleteHandling: "Update" from the config. Then you can add your own icon using an active area. See also:


Hello, what can I do? everything seems to be ok but I do not know what I touched because I cannot edit an appointment as a doctor. How can I make it possible to edit an appointment after a patient ha...

TimeRangeDoubleClickJavaScript doesn't work anymore in Calendar

Answered: This problem is now fixed in the latest sandbox build (2018.1.3646): The fix will be included in the next release.


Answered: Javascript can't connect directly to a database, but it can request data from external pages, files. I use PHP, and a MS SQL database. I have created an API were I can request data for my scheduler, ...


Can't edit the appointment from the doctor view.


I have done everything and yet no error but when I insert a data, it does not show in my database. Please help. Thank you

Pro version breaks my AngularJs directive

Answered: DayPilot Pro uses a slightly different approach (compile + link) when registering the <daypilot-calendar> directive because the "replace: true" attribute used in the Lite version (which only uses lin...

How can I custom my css style for modal popup?

Answered: Please see my answer here:

Change the position of CreateEvent

Answered: Unfortunately not. The current implementation of the modal dialog (the Angular version) doesn't support customization of the position. It's always fixed at the top, with the height set automatically ...

Dynamic context menu in Angular

Answered: You can use onShow event handler of the context menu to adjust the menu items on the fly. Please take a look at the following sample project:

Scheduler Event Context Menu during multiselect

Answered: You can get a list of all selected events using method: let events = this.scheduler.control.m...

Angular 5 Calendar Custom View

Answered: It's possible to generate a custom set of days when you switch the Calendar to Resources view and fill the "columns" array manually. A JavaScript example: dp.viewType = "Resources"; dp.columns = [...

Render Angular 5 component into DayPilotMonth cell template

Is is possible to render a angular component into DayPilotMonth cell template html? I'm trying to pass nativeElement as HTML attribute, but it doesn't work. Only renders "[object HTMLElement]". onBef...

IE 8 compatibility

Answered: Unfortunately, IE8 is not supported. Microsoft stopped supporting IE8 in January 2016 and so did we. For the list of supported browsers please see the Compatibility page:

Error Supplied data is not a JPEG

Answered: Yes, most likely there is a problem with exportAs(). Do you see any error message in the javascript console? Also, remember that exporting large Scheduler grids may hit the browser limits (most brows...

Scheduler row filter

Answered: Please take a look at this tutorial: You'll need to adjust the logic in onRowFilter event handler to use your criteria.
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